Best wishes to Clara C. and Nadine A. who are both celebrating birthdays this week.


The World Day of Prayer service will be held at Mount Pleasant United Church on Friday, March 7, at 11:00am, featuring the Cook Islands.  A fellowship time, with potluck finger foods, will follow the service.


The church annual meeting will be held following the service on Sunday, March 16th. Please have your reports to Janet F. by Sunday, March 2nd.


The first Sunday of every month is Food Bank Sunday. Please bring a donation if you are able.


A coffee hour usually follows the service on the second Sunday of every month. Donations made at the March coffee hour will support the Alzheimer's Society.

Stained Glass

By Douglas Hughes



Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church


Sunday Worship: 10:00 a.m.

715 Mount Pleasant Road, Mount Pleasant, ON





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